Nicole Steen booty workout video

Nicole Steen Is an Intense but Funny Workout Instructor

Nicole Steen’s Buns of Steen online workout videos will help you tone and tighten your rave booty.  But they are also entertaining.

Music festival season is almost here, and a lot of us are getting in shape for summer. One of the best parts of the internet is the free online training videos. Slutty Raver Costumes recommends this one, because it is a good workout, but also funny because Steen makes a lot of jokes, in the form of talking about butts and making a lot of double entendres, which takes skill.

Butts are funny and everyone has one. In this GymRa video Steen goes through a thorough booty workout that is 40 minutes of squats, plies and lunges. She doesn’t even look tired at the end.

The trainer also has workout videos for the abdominals, as well as kickboxing and dance, because, “It’s all connected.” She must love music festivals because she is a trained fire dancer as well.

To learn more about Nicole Steen visit her official website.

Steve Aoki has a daily fitness routine he calls Aoki Bootcamp. Take a look at the Adidas track suit remixed.